The first
Mom: (just after having lunch) Oh, I'll drink some guarana! ( he got up, opened the fridge and took out the bottle) I still remember the first time I drink guarana....I was around dad bought a little bottle, put some guarana into my glass and I drank...the soft drink gas came out from my nose!
Me: (saying in an ironic way) Was it there guarana at that time?
Mom: (the expression in her face became like a sulky child expression - this made me laugh, so she pretented attempting to plant the fork in my head, then she showed me the Coroa Guarana bottle label - a soft drink from the state of Espirito Santo, in Brazil - and explained me) This guarana exists since 1933, okay? Funny girl...
Me: (laughing, of course)
Mom: (drinking guarana and remembering) I used to drink guarana very slowly so that it does not end quickly...
... after 47 years, she still remember the first time when she drank guarana and keeps loving this drink - but now she must not drink it very slow so that it does not end quickly!