Sunday, October 09, 2005


__, you have five crowns in your hair, love?

__ Yes, I do, my pretty girlfriend.

__ It’s can anybody have five crowns in his hair?

__ Well...why not?

__ It’s not normal.

__ How can you know that?

__ I don’t know, but I bet that Darwin wrote about’s the law of crowns in the hair…nobody can have more than two.

__ And how many crowns do you have?

__ Two.

__ And how can you know this? You have long hair, I can’t see your crowns...I guess you have more than two...

__ I just have two. But what I want to know is if I will enjoy having children with a partner that has five crowns in his hair. If our child will have the sum of our she or he will have seven of them!

__ Seven is the number of perfection.

__ Really??

__ Yes, it is.

__ And who will cut our child hair? No hairdresser knows how to cut the hair of somebody that has seven crowns...they will always make mistakes and our child will be a kid with complex.

__ You can learn how to cut hair...

__ Myself??

__ Or do you prefer that our child suffer in the school?

__ Okay, I’ll learn it...

__ So does it mean you still want to be with me, even if I have five crowns in my hair?

__ What can I do? Five more two are seven, that is the number of perfection....and our child can be like me, normal, and can have just two crowns.

__ Or our kid can be crazy like me and have five crowns...

__ Or our baby can mix our features and have seven of them...

__ ...that’s the number of perfection...

__ ... I loved this Math!


Blogger Brian & Leslie Hailey said...

I think the best translation (at least in American English) would be "crown". That what we call the little places where the hair swirls on the head. I was born with a "double crown", one on each side of the back of my head. I also have one cowlick in the front on the left side where my hair grows in an upward direction instead of downward. It is like a cow licked my hair, and it stayed :P

In reply about the Episcopalian Church, it is the American branch of the Anglican Church. For some reason they chose not to use the name Anglican in this country, but it is officially connected with the Anglicans of England.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you very much! I substituted "whirlpool" for "crown". My English friend did not understand the meaning of "whirlpool", maybe now he could understand what I meant! :P

Yes, I could see your "cowlick" (this word is very funny!) in the picture that you took of yourself at the dorm. It's really like a cow licked your hair and it stayed :P

Friday, October 14, 2005 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

visitarei este blogenglish se vc postar textos distintos do blog em português...
faça textos distintos... será muito mais interessante... e assim, teremos o prazer de lê-la mais vezes...
de qualquer modo, vou poder exercitar meu pobre inglês...

Saturday, October 15, 2005 1:55:00 PM  
Blogger Priscila said...

Doug, lindo. A idéia é boa. O único problema é ter inspiração para postar em dois blogs diferentes, se eu já tenho problemas pra postar em um só hehehe. Mas vai ficar guardadinha e prometo colocar em prática logo que puder. Beijos e obrigada pela visita! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 9:50:00 AM  

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