Thursday, February 08, 2007

Two short office stories


Me, having a break at office and eating some cookies. The judge comes in and...

Judge: (looking at watch and teasing me) Oh no! I don't believe you're eating at this time! It's just 02:15 p.m!

Me: (laughing) I had lunch at 11 a.m., I'm hungry now!

Judge: (teasing me) That's the reason why people use to say that Christian persons love money and food! (leaves the room)

Me :(speaking to trainee girl and laughing) That's irritating man!

Trainee girl: (laughing) You're always working, but when you have a break, the judge comes in the room!

Me: (thinking) And I can't imagine the reason why he came here now!

Traine girl: (still laughing) To catch you having a break!


A teenager was arrested because of drugs traffic and his lawyer was at office with a petition to set him free.

Lawyer: (serious, explaining us) In Vitória, the capital of the state, people use to treat us bad at Registry Offices...but in smallest cities like this the workers treat us very well!

Me: (serious) So is it much better to commit crimes in smallest cities like this, right?

Lawyer: (serious) Oh, yes! It's true, you're right indeed!

Didn't he realise I was being sarcastic? Oh.


Babies, babies...I'm on vacation since from today! You can't imagine how much glad I am :D Plans? Buying a nice bikini and go to the beach every day, go to the cinema (not wearing the bikini, of course...), mall, shopping and...Law classes, of course. Yesterday my boss pretended to cry because "he was already missing me". He's altogether crazy (and the judge, too). But we're Brazilian, we're dramatic, we're from South America - a mixture of European, African and native roots. This is what I am :)

Kiss you, babies!

Listening to: Maroon 5 - "Sweetest Goodbye"


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