Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A great mistake

People often think that love is the eternal source of happiness. They say "I love you" with the innocence of those that aren't afraid of living awful moments. They never think that love is, actually, the biggest source of sadness that they ever imagined. It's because of love that come bitterness and sadness in time of diseases, unemplyoment or death. It's because of love that parents get irritated when their child can't get good marks at school, it's because of love that the wife is afraid when her husband is jobless, it's because of love that a son gets depressed when his mother dies, it's just because of love that a daughter feels desperate because an alcoholic father. Love is the greatest source of misery that somebody can find. And, in the other side, it's the biggest source of force that somebody can handle with. Love is the force to support a son that isn't a good student. Love is the force to comprehend a husband that lost his job. Love is the force to keep alive even if you lost a beloved person. Love is the force to wait for better days, even if it seems they'll never come. You can't love just a parcel of the other. You can't love only her/his best part. You can't love only her/his best features, her/his good mood, beautiful hair or intelligence. You can't love only those features that you like or admire. There's no selective love. Or we love entirely, or we can't love. There's no way to control love. There's no way to "tame" it. Love is what control you. Love, just love, is in the control. To produce good or bad days, good or bad feelings, happiness or sadness, cheer or misery. Those who accept to love need to be able to understand that love always brings something with it. Bad or good. Happy or sad. You can't choose. You just have to love. This is the great commandment of life.


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