Saturday, October 14, 2006

Not in vain

This is my sixth entry in 6 days. It's a record here. Maybe it's because I'm thinking and playing a lot.

I've always been the kind of person that doesn't believe in coincidence. Everything has a reason, everything has a "why". Things don't happen in vain. It can't be. Maybe it comes from my faith in a higher being, that has the control, knows everything and can do everything. I tried to find out that, if I wasn't a believer, I wouldn't think this way. Well...if I wasn't a believer, most probably I would try to find anything to believe in. I mean...I'm a believer myself! I need to have something to believe in. I can't conceive another way of living, of thinking. But sometimes...if I glance at my life, or what's happening around myself, I really can't understand. I can't find a reason to explain the things. And it's really hard to feel this way. This is not my way to understand life. I mean...if things don't have a reason, why do they happen? I wonder if God is playing dices and yawning at what's happening here. This also can't be. This is not my way to understand life. 'Cause since I was a child I listen to the story of a God that is Love and sent His only one son to die for the human being. Then...if it's right, He's not just playing dices and yawning at everything. Oh...what's happening with me?

(Here there's a so long pause that I wonder if I should end the entry...)

Okay, let's change the subject.

(Another long pause...)

Well...maybe a promise would be better. I promise to make an effort to get better, and you all (let me count...4 readers? :P) promise to keep reading me, deal? Done. You're Super!

Now it's better to think about taking (British English) - having (American English) a shower and get dressed to go to ballroom dancing lessons.

Kiss you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is weird... I actually googled my own name and found your blog. And then realise, you added me in your link. I am Cybermate, by the way - the one who closed down her blog because I'm venturing into websites instead.

Hope to keep in touch. Email me at

I have a website coming up. Will share with you the link when it is ready.

May I ask, why did you link me anyway?

Sunday, October 15, 2006 10:06:00 AM  

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